Calling all equine enthusiasts!

We are recruiting for a new research study. If you are a horse owner or equine facility manager please take a moment to review some of the study details. For more information please contact Rachael Milwid at rmilwid (at) uoguelph (dot) ca. 

Photo courtesy of  Grand River Raceway and Hands on Horses

Photo courtesy of  Grand River Raceway and Hands on Horses

Analyzing the dynamics of the Ebola outbreak...using the IDEA model

In 2013, we (David Fisman, Tanya Hauck, Ashleigh Tuite and myself) published a paper called an IDEA for short term outbreak projection. The IDEA (incidence decay and exponential adjustment) model was based on the idea that we could use simple types of public health surveillance data and turn that information into reliably accurate projections of what might happen in the outbreak in the short-term. In that paper, we suggested that although we had tested the model using a few case studies, further evaluation in the context of real-world outbreaks would establish the utility of IDEA as a tool for front-line epidemiologists. Well look no further...the IDEA model is being tested to see how it performs using data from the ongoing Ebola outbreak. You can check out how the model is performing at the following link. You can also read more about the role that mathematical epidemiology is playing in the Ebola outbreak in this article published in Science magazine. 

Join the new Community of Interest (CoI) in Disease Modeling @ OVC

My research group is facilitating a new Community of Interest (CoI) in Disease Modeling at the University of Guelph. This is an interdisciplinary group that will meet once per week to discuss recently published papers, work in progress by group members as well as a variety of other topics of interest to the disease modeling community. We are hoping to have participants from across the University as well as local, provincial and federal government scientists who are actively working in this area to join us for discussion. We are not focused on any one specific methodology or application but rather on building a collaborative group to support learning and research within the broad area of disease modeling. Further details regarding the day and time of group meetings as well as resources for the meetings will be distributed shortly. If you are interested in joining the group please contact me by email and I can add you to the distribution list.